Ethan Finlan • 4 min read
The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) program’s most obvious impact on affordable housing is through financing construction projects with at least 20 percent of revenue from commercial activity.
Ethan Finlan • 5 min read
Workforce housing projects have long been a priority of numerous housing financing agencies across America. One case study is unfolding in eastern South Carolina.
Ethan Finlan • 9 min read
Throughout the early 2020s, costly delays have hammered multifamily projects thanks to supply chain, labor force and interest rate challenges.
Ethan Finlan • 11 min read
In 2022, New York State announced that it would require new and rebuilt high-rise buildings to be fully electric-powered to meet emissions reduction goals.
Ethan Finlan • 6 min read
Throughout the mid-20th century, transportation authorities constructed massive infrastructure projects through urban centers, particularly, but not exclusively, highways.
Ethan Finlan • 5 min read
Since 1996, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has provided loans for affordable multifamily housing in rural areas through its Rural Development Section 538 program.
Ethan Finlan • 7 min read
Since 2018, the City of Baltimore, the Housing Authority of Balti-more City (HABC), planners, architects and developers have been working on a comprehensive redevelopment of a large public housing project near the city’s famous Inner Harbor.