Affordable Assisted Living

Layers of Subsidies
An introduction to affordable assisted living

CASE STUDY: Affordable and Assisted with a Wow Factor
Wallick Communities builds the Ashford as a pilot

What is a Healthy Neighborhood?
Metrics determine public health merits of Boston’s neighborhoods and housing

Low Income Housing Tax Credit

Cost Containment Strategies
A state-by-state QAP survey

CohnReznick Tax Credit Monitor
Filling funding gaps

Energy Efficiency

Solar Energy at the Speed of Light
Substantial decrease in prices results in sustained growth

Historic Tax Credit

Savannah Poorhouse Rehabbed for Modern Senior Living
National Church Residences expands historic portfolio


Marty Bell: Blueprint for September, Home as a hobby

Thom Amdur: New Developments, Responding to NCSHA best practices, as requested

David A. Smith: The Guru Is In, À travers le miroir

Scott Beyer: Housing USA, Salt Lake City: Mormon Real Estate, Inc.

Monthly Features

Talking Heads: Caleb Roope, The Pacific Companies
Rural vs. urban development