Mixed-Income Developments

David A. Smith: The Guru Is In, Affordable housing is Tocquevillean

Legally Speaking
Ironing out mixed-income projects

Strong, Resilient and Economically Diverse
Making mixed-income housing work for all

Income Averaging
Broadening eligibility in affordable housing communities

Case Study: Boston Company Invests in Minority Neighborhoods
Another kind of mix in Boston mixed developments

Case Study: The Stone Mill in Lawrence, MA
A new era starting for historic Massachusetts mills

Also in this issue:
Build America, Buy America
What to know about the act to increase domestic manufacturing

Breaking Ground
Maria Barry, Community Development Banking National Executive, Bank of America 

Multifamily Properties Are Going Electric
Incentives for including charging infrastructure

Jessica Hoefer: Blueprint for June, Mixing it up

Kaitlyn Snyder: Industry Insights, Broad, bipartisan, bicameral support

Monthly Features
CohnReznick Housing Tax Credit Monitor