Talking Heads: Larry Kraemer, Harkins Builders, Is affordable housing still affordable?
The Costs of Construction
Can we get them under control?
Taken to the Woodshed
Canadian lumber is integral to the U.S. housing market. Will sticking duties on it hurt U.S. homebuyers?
Constructing Housing and Lives
YouthBuild fills skilled worker gap
Cutting Energy Costs in Construction
The value of utilizing commissioning agents
Low Income Housing Tax Credit
CohnReznick Tax Credit Monitor
Housing credit pricing
Industry Survey: Qualified Contracts Volume
Policies vary by state
Marty Bell: Blueprint for July, Constructions on costs
Thom Amdur: New Developments, A crisis demands creativity
David A. Smith: The Guru Is In, Changing the cost conversation
Scott Beyer: Housing USA, Charlottesville, grow it or preserve it?