Resident Services & Healthcare

Talking Heads: Julianna Stuart, POAH
How Family Self-Sufficiency Can Empower Your Tenants

There’s a Nurse in the House
USA Properties’ staff and residents coordinate care

CORES Certifies Resident Service Operations
 Improved health outcomes and a healthy loan discount

Making Healthcare Convenient
Data shows Maryland’s Health Enterprise Zones reduce cost of care

Active Design For “Healthy Buildings”
NYC Center makes cities more livable

Affordable Housing

Ernst & Young Corporate Tax Credit Fund Watch

Challenged Assets
Millenia takes on a portfolio full of surprises

Land of OZ
New Year’s day family conversation:  A scenario


Marty Bell: Blueprint for February, The feel good issue

Thom Amdur: New Developments, The preservation challenge

David A. Smith: The Guru Is In, How to work yourself out of a job

Scott Beyer: Housing USA, New York: Public housing needs privatization