Pamela Martineau Author Archives

Affordable Across America: Midwest

, & 9 min read

Affordable Across America

Affordable Across America: Northwest

, & 3 min read

50 Projects for 50 Years PROJECT: Ridpath Club Apartments | Spokane, WA Completed 2018 DEVELOPER: Ridpath Owners, LLC; Spokane, WA FAVORITE OF: Ronne Thielen, Executive Vice President, Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, R4 Capital DESCRIPTION: The original Ridpath Hotel was destroyed by fire and then rebuilt in 1952 as Spokane’s first modern high rise. With […]

Affordable Across America: West Coast

, & 7 min read

Affordable Across America

icon Breaking Ground

Caleb Roope, CEO and President of The Pacific Companies

11 min read

For nearly 20 years, Caleb Roope, CEO and president of The Pacific Companies has used volumetric modular offsite construction for a portion of his company’s development projects.

Historic Tax Credit: 40 Years of Historic Preservation and Community Revitalization

7 min read

For 40 years, the Historic Tax Credit (HTC) has allowed developers to preserve some of the most beautiful, iconic, historic buildings in the nation, while revitalizing small towns and cities from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Developer Outlook

9 min read

It’s 2022 and the COVID-19 pandemic looks likely to roll into a third year, bringing with it more uncertainty, but leaders in the affordable housing space say the new year still looks promising since the industry has already pivoted sharply due to the pandemic and will continue to do so.

States Look to Convert Hotels, Motels and Commercial Properties for Shelter and Permanent Low-Income Housing

8 min read

As the housing crisis deepens and the pandemic continues to affect the hospitality industry and commercial properties, an increasing number of states are seeking to convert hotels, motels and other commercial properties into housing for low-income residents and those experiencing homelessness.

The Investment Landscape

8 min read

Dramatic changes in the investing landscape over the past year have pushed affordable housing investors to reevaluate funding strategies and keep a close eye on numerous upcoming changes.

The Pandemic Marathon

9 min read

COVID-19 pushed affordable housing managers across the nation to expand resident services, change up service delivery methods and develop new partnerships – all changes that leaders in the space say are likely to stick around.

The Struggle for Staffing

7 min read

From flexible work schedules to “stay-on” bonuses and social media blitzes, property management companies and human resources officials are embracing innovative strategies to retain and hire employees at residential properties in the quirky, tight, pandemic labor market of 2021.

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