Marty Bell Author Archives

PTEE Road Show Kickoff is an Eye-Opener for Attendees

6 min read

More than 120 enthusiastic energy- and cost- concerned representatives from a variety of affordable housing companies and organizations filled a conference room in a building adjacent to Philadelphia’s 30th Street Station on April 3 for a frank and incisive, daylong look at the true financial benefits that can be reaped from best practices in energy and water efficiency.

NH&RA 2013 Vision Award Honoree, Vincent P. O’Donnell: Housing as Social Justice

7 min read

One day in his home in a blue collar all-white neighborhood in Northeast Philadelphia in the mid-1950s, the pre-teen Vincent F. O’Donnell, Jr. heard his older sister Patricia say to their dad, a hard working sometime bread man, sometime milkman, sometime handyman, sometime sheet metal worker, full-time family supporter, “How can you go to church on Sundays and still say the things you do about negroes?”

NH&RA 2013 Vision Award Honoree, Jack Manning: Tax Credit Pioneer

7 min read

In 1974, Jack Manning and Herb Collins formed a partnership then called the Greater Boston Development Corporation to provide equity investment capital for the development of apartment properties.

Wisznia’s 65-Year History of Imaginative Design and Development

10 min read

Wisznia, the son of an architect, combines pragmatism, a love for historic buildings, business savvy, love of art and somewhat out-there creativity in the firm that bears his family name and serves as a designer, developer and investor in housing ventures.

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